What is the refresh rate and gray level of LED display?

With the development and application of indoor LED display screen more and more, whether in the command center, monitoring center and even the studio, we can see that led display screen is widely used. However, from the overall performance of LED display system, can these displays meet the needs of users? Can the images displayed on these LED displays meet the requirements of human vision? Can these LED displays withstand the test of different shutter angles? These are the problems that need to be considered in the face of LED display. The following is a brief analysis of several factors (including refresh rate, gray level, etc.) that affect the effect of LED display.

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Refresh rate of LED display (visual refresh rate)
“Visual refresh rate” refers to the screen update rate, usually expressed in Hertz (Hz). Generally speaking, the visual refresh rate is more than 3000hz, which is a high-efficiency LED display. The higher the visual refresh frequency is, the more stable the display is, and the smaller the visual flicker is. The low “visual refresh rate” of LED display will not only affect the horizontal horizontal stripes when taking pictures, but also cause the image of tens of thousands of light bulbs flashing at the same time, which may cause discomfort and even damage to the eyes.
Although for the human eye, the visual refresh rate of more than 60Hz has been felt is a continuous picture, but the higher the visual refresh rate, the more stable the displayed image, the less likely it is for the human eye to feel tired. Nowadays, in order to get more fine pictures in high-quality video, such as the process of wonderful playback or close-up photography, high-speed cameras above 1000Hz per second are used. At this time, it is a great challenge for the LED display screen that will also be photographed to still present continuous pictures (without black scan line) or continuous color levels under high-speed shutter.
Gray level of LED display screen
“Gray level” refers to the different color levels between the darkest and brightest colors. Generally speaking, the gray level is more than 14 bits, that is, it has at least 16384 color levels. It is a high-efficiency LED display. If the gray level is not enough, the color level is not enough or the gradients are not smooth enough, and the color of the film cannot be fully displayed. The LED display effect is greatly reduced. Some low efficiency LED displays can already detect the obvious color distribution under the 1 / 500s shutter. If we increase the shutter speed, such as 1 / 1000s or 1 / 2000s, the situation will be more obvious.
What affects the refresh rate and gray level of LED display?
We know several core components of LED display, such as LED switching power supply, LED driver chip, LED lamp bead, etc. according to the refresh frequency and gray level of LED display, LED driver chip directly determines the performance of LED display in visual refresh frequency and gray level.

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