Setup sareng pamasangan layar tampilan LED luar

(1) Layar tampilan LED dipasang di luar, sering kakeunaan cahya panonpoé, hujan, angin jeung lebu, sareng gaduh lingkungan damel anu kasar. Alat éléktronik anu baseuh atanapi beueus parah tiasa nyababkeun sirkuit pondok atanapi malah kahuruan, ngabalukarkeun malfunctions atawa malah kahuruan, ngabalukarkeun karugian;
(2) Layar tampilan tiasa diserang ku serangan listrik sareng magnét anu kuat anu disababkeun ku kilat;
(3) Suhu sekitarna bénten-bénten pisan. Nalika layar tampilan berpungsi, eta kudu ngahasilkeun jumlah nu tangtu panas. Lamun hawa ambient teuing tinggi jeung dissipation panas goréng, sirkuit terpadu bisa jadi teu jalan leres, atawa malah bisa dibeuleum kaluar, sahingga sistem tampilan teu tiasa dianggo leres;
(4) Hadirin anu lega, rentang visual panjang sarta widang lega visi diperlukeun; Lampu lingkunganana beda-beda pisan, utamana lamun kakeunaan sinar panonpoé langsung.

dipingpin panels tampilan (1)
For the above special requirements, tampilan LED outdoor screens must achieve:
(1) The screen and the junction between the screen and the building must be strictly waterproof and leak proof; The screen should have good drainage measures to ensure smooth drainage in case of accumulated water;
(2) Install lightning protection devices on display screens and buildings. The main body and casing of the display screen should be well grounded, with a grounding resistance of less than 3 ohms, to timely discharge large currents caused by lightning;
(3) Install ventilation equipment to cool down and keep the internal temperature of the screen between -10 ℃ jeung 40 ... Install an axial fan above the back of the screen to dissipate heat;
(4) Select industrial grade integrated circuit chips with operating temperatures between -40 ℃ jeung 80 ℃ to prevent the display screen from being unable to start due to low temperatures in winter.;
(5) In order to ensure long-distance visibility under strong ambient light, ultra-high brightness light-emitting diodes must be selected;
(6) The display medium uses a new type of wide-angle tube, which has a wide viewing angle, pure colors, koordinasi konsisten, and a lifespan of over 100000 jam. The outer packaging of the display medium is currently the most popular square cylinder with a covered edge, sealed with silicone, and equipped without metalization; Penampilanna endah sareng éndah, sturdy and durable, with the characteristics of being resistant to direct sunlight, lebu, cai, high temperature, and circuit short circuits.

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