Karakteristik tampilan LED anu digunakeun dina sistem transportasi anu cerdas

Diantara aplikasi patali téknologi tampilan LED, public oriented road traffic information release and display is one of the important application fields. Diantara metodeu pelepasan berorientasi publik inpormasi bimbingan lalu lintas, metoda tampilan sareng pelepasan anu langkung umum dina kahirupan sadidinten kalebet layar pitunjuk lalu lintas jalan, layar hidayah lalu lintas kota, layar pituduh parkir sareng tanda inpormasi variabel jalan. Metode pelepasan inpormasi bimbingan lalu lintas anu béda ieu ditampilkeun sacara real time numutkeun syarat manajemén jalan patalimarga anu relevan sareng kaayaan inpormasi lalu lintas jalan anu saleresna.

Karakteristik sistem transportasi anu cerdas
Intelligent transportation system is actually a road traffic information and communication system. Its emergence and development is based on other different new technologies such as system integration, electronics, communication and information services. Ayeuna, it has penetrated and applied to new transportation systems in the fields of aviation, water transportation, railway transportation, urban traffic guidance, Expressway and subway rail transit. The construction of intelligent transportation system can not only improve the road network capacity and road traffic information service level, but also have broad application prospects in the field of environmental protection, reduce exhaust emissions and improve energy efficiency.
In the process of building intelligent transportation system, the construction and application of intelligent transportation information service system is the main content of the development of intelligent transportation field. Designing and establishing an advanced transportation information service system for the public is the due meaning and development trend of intelligent transportation system. For different types of transportation modes or different transportation fields, the intelligent transportation information services provided by the intelligent transportation system will focus on and be different.
Intelligent traffic information service system has many different traffic application fields, kalebet henteu ngan ukur dewan inpormasi inpormasi variabel, tanda wates speed variabel, sistem jasa inpormasi patalimarga jalan dina aplikasi Expressway, tapi ogé sistem bimbingan lalu lintas, sistem jasa inpormasi manajemén lalu lintas, Inpormasi lalu lintas jalan sistem pelepasan éksternal dina aplikasi patalimarga kota.
Dina bidang aplikasi praktis transportasi anu cerdas, sékrési inpormasi lalu-lintas perkotaan atanapi jalan mangrupikeun bentuk utama jasa inpormasi patalimarga anu cerdas, éta, the real-time release and display of traffic information through various information display devices, most of which are general and common display devices. These display devices can include LED display screen, LCD display screen, DLP display screen, jsb. With the continuous development of embedded technology, intelligent transportation information display system has developed into an integrated system with scalable function, multimedia technology and network connection.

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