Stage events led video wall for various activities and performances

LED displays are used in stage performances. Most of these displays are used by rental screens, and the large display screens are rented. Some people also refer to this screen as stage led rental display screen. In addition to rich scenes, large screen size and gorgeous content performance, this led display stage screen can also save some cost budget. It does not need to be purchased at one time like other conventional display screens. It only needs to be rented during stage performance time, It is an indispensable kind of commercial performance. Many people should pay attention to what related problems when choosing the stage LED screen and how to choose it to maximize our interests. Users can consider from the following analysis

stage led display
Main screen selection
The main screen is usually the large display screen in the center of the stage. Usually, the shape of the main screen is square or rectangular. However, the rise of LED special-shaped screen in recent years has changed this statement. Special-shaped screen or common screen can also be used in many cases. Moreover, because of the importance of its display content, the pixel spacing of the main screen will be relatively higher, so that the audience can better see the stage scene. Now the specification for the main screen of the stage is P3 91, P4, P5 and P6 are in the majority. Of course, it does not rule out the stage screen with a little more spacing. Industry news jpg
2. Secondary screen selection
The secondary screen refers to the display screen used on the left and right sides of the main screen. Its main purpose is to set off the main screen. In case, it can also make the audience sitting on the left and right sides see more clearly. Because the main screen can only make the audience in the middle see more clearly. For the secondary screen, we don’t need to choose the screen with too small point spacing. On the one hand, we don’t need it, and on the other hand, we can save some budget costs. Now the commonly used specifications of the stage auxiliary screen mainly include: P7 62, P8, P10 and p12 are in the majority.

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