Specific operation steps of LED electronic display operation

In the use of LED display, many users did not carry out system learning and training, blind operation caused damage to the display is very serious. Here is the LED display manufacturer to explain the precautions of using LED display for you.

p2.5 led screen (1)
1、 Precautions for switching LED electronic display screen:
1. Switch sequence:
Open screen: please open the computer first, and then open the electronic screen. Turn on the LED electronic display screen (when the screen is powered on, there will be regional flicker, indicating that the screen is powered on), turn on the computer, make sure that the display card is set correctly (if it is not correct, there will be no display screen, i.e. black screen), turn on the control software, Set the basic pixel size and display area (this setting does not affect the display of LED electronic display screen)
Turn off the screen: first turn off the LED electronic display, turn off the control software, and then turn off the computer correctly( Turn off the computer without turning off the power supply of the display screen, which will cause high bright spots on the screen and burn down the lamp tube, with serious consequences.)
2. The time interval between switching on and off the screen should be more than 5 minutes.
3. After the computer enters the engineering control software, the screen can be opened and powered on.
4. Try to avoid turning on the screen in the full white screen state, because the impulse current of the system is the largest at this time.
5. Avoid opening the screen in the out of control state, because the impulse current of the system is the maximum at this time.
A. The computer does not enter the control software and other programs;
B. The computer is not powered on;
C. The control part is not powered on.
6. When the ambient temperature is too high or the heat dissipation condition is not good, attention should be paid not to turn on the screen for a long time.
7. When a line is very bright on one part of the electronic display screen, the screen should be closed in time. In this state, it is not suitable to open the screen for a long time.
8. If the power switch of the display often trips, the screen body should be checked or the power switch should be replaced in time.
9. Check the security of the joint regularly. In case of looseness, pay attention to timely adjustment, re reinforcement or renewal of lifting parts.
10. According to the environment of the large screen and the control part, insect bites should be avoided, and rodenticides should be placed when necessary.
2、 Notes on changes and changes of control part
1. The zero and fire of the power line of the computer and control part can not be connected reversely, and it should be inserted in strict accordance with the original position. If there are peripherals, after the connection, it is necessary to test whether the enclosure is charged.
2. When moving control equipment such as computer, check whether the connecting line and control board are loose before power on.
3. It is not allowed to change the position and length of communication line and flat connection line at will.
4. In case of short circuit, trip, wire burning, smoke and other abnormal phenomena after moving, the power on test shall not be repeated, and the problems shall be found in time.

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