requisitos da fonte de alimentação de condução da tela de vídeo LED

De acordo com as regras de consumo de energia da rede elétrica e os requisitos característicos da fonte de alimentação de acionamento da tela de parede de vídeo LED, as seguintes características de desempenho devem ser consideradas ao selecionar e projetar a fonte de alimentação de acionamento da tela eletrônica de LED:
1. Alta fiabilidade, especialmente a fonte de alimentação de condução da lâmpada de rua LED, que é instalado em alta altitude, inconveniente de manter e caro para manter.paredes de vídeo led
2. LED de alta eficiência é um produto de economia de energia, and the efficiency of driving power supply should be high. It is particularly important for the structure where the power supply is installed in the lamp. Because the luminous efficiency of LED decreases with the increase of LED temperature, the heat dissipation of LED is very important. The efficiency of the power supply is high, its power consumption is small, the calorific value in the lamp is small, and the temperature rise of the lamp is reduced. It is beneficial to delay the light decay of LED.
3. High power factor power factor is the requirement of power grid for load. Geralmente, there are no mandatory indicators for electrical appliances below 70 watts. Although the power factor of a single electric appliance with small power is lower, it has little impact on the power grid, but when we light the lights at night, the similar loads are too concentrated, which will cause serious pollution to the power grid. For 30-40 watt LED driving power supply, it is said that there may be certain index requirements on power factors in the near future.
4. There are two driving modes: one is a constant voltage source for multiple constant current sources, and each constant current source supplies power to each LED separately. Desta maneira, the combination is flexible, and the failure of one LED will not affect the work of other LEDs, but the cost will be slightly higher. The other is direct constant current power supply, LED series or parallel operation. Its advantage is that the cost is a little low, but the flexibility is poor. It also needs to solve the problem that the failure of one LED does not affect the operation of other LEDs. These two forms coexist for a period of time. The multi-channel constant current output power supply mode will be better in cost and performance. Maybe it’s the mainstream direction in the future.
5. The anti surge ability of surge protection LED is relatively poor, especially the anti reverse voltage ability. It is also important to strengthen protection in this regard. Some LED lights are installed outdoors, such as LED street lights. Due to the start and fall of power grid load and the induction of lightning stroke, various surges will invade from the power grid system, and some surges will lead to the damage of LED. Portanto, the LED driving power supply should have the ability to suppress the invasion of surge and protect the LED from damage.

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