1. Huwa maqsum ġewwa, barra u semi barra skont l-ambjent tal-użu
Iż-żona tal-iskrin ta 'ġewwa ġeneralment hija inqas minn 1 metru kwadru għal aktar minn 10 metri kwadri, b'densità ta 'punt għoli. Jintuża f'ambjent mhux dirett tax-xemx jew dawl. Id-distanza tal-vista hija ftit metri 'l bogħod, u l-korp tal-iskrin m'għandux kapaċità ta 'siġillar u li ma jgħaddix ilma minnu. The outdoor screen area generally ranges from a few square meters to tens or even hundreds of square meters. The point density is thin (l-aktar 1000-4000 punti għal kull metru kwadru), and the luminous brightness is 3000-6000cd / square meter (different orientations and brightness requirements). It can be used under direct sunlight. The viewing distance is tens of meters away. The screen has good wind, rain and lightning protection capabilities. The semi outdoor screen is between outdoor and indoor, with high luminous brightness. It can be used outdoors without direct sunlight. Il-korp tal-iskrin huwa ssiġillat, usually under the eaves or in the window.
2. According to the color, it is divided into monochrome, double primary color and triple primary color (kulur sħiħ)
Monochrome refers to the luminous material with only one color on the display screen, l-aktar aħmar wieħed, u aħdar isfar jista 'jintuża wkoll f'xi okkażjonijiet speċjali (bħal funerali). L-iskrin doppju tal-kulur primarju ġeneralment huwa magħmul minn materjali luminixxenti ħomor ħomor u sofor. It-tliet skrin tal-kulur primarju huwa maqsum f'kulur sħiħ, li huwa magħmul mill-aħmar, aħdar isfar (wavelength 570nm), kulur blu u naturali, li huwa magħmul mill-aħmar, aħdar pur (wavelength 525nm) u blu.
3. Jista 'jinqasam f'sinkroniku u mhux sinkroniku skont il-mod ta' kontroll jew użu
Synchronous mode means that the working mode of LED display screen is basically the same as that of computer monitor. It maps the computer image on the monitor point by point at the update rate of at least 30 fields / s. It usually has the ability of multi gray color display, which can achieve the effect of multimedia publicity and advertising. Asynchronous mode means that the LED display screen has the ability of storage and automatic playback. It-test editjat u l-istampi bla skala ta 'griż fuq il-PC huma trasmessi lill-iskrin tal-wiri LED permezz tal-port tas-serje jew interfaces oħra tan-netwerk, u mbagħad tintlagħab awtomatikament offline mill-iskrin tal-wiri LED. Ġeneralment, m'hemm l-ebda kapaċità ta 'wiri fuq skala ta' griżi multi. Jintuża prinċipalment biex juri informazzjoni dwar it-test u jista 'jitqabbad fuq netwerk fuq skrins multipli.
4. Diviż bid-densità tal-pixel jew id-dijametru tal-pixel
Peress li l-modulu LED dot matrix użat għall-iskrin ta 'ġewwa għandu speċifikazzjonijiet relattivament uniformi, it is usually divided according to the pixel diameter of the module, prinċipalment inkluż: ∮ 3.0mm 60000 pixels / m2 ∮ 3.75mm 44000 pixels / m2 ∮ 5.0mm. Bhalissa, there is no very unified standard for the pixel diameter and pixel spacing of outdoor screen. There are about 1024 u 1600 pixels per m2, 2000 points, 2500 points, 4096 points and other specifications.