Kif tagħżel meta tixtri display LED?

Fis-snin riċenti, id-domanda tan-nies għall-iskrin tal-wiri elettroniku LED qed tiżdied gradwalment, and users often need to buy a large number of LED electronic display screen products. Madankollu, with the growth of demand for LED display screen, a large number of LED display screen manufacturers have emerged, and various large and small manufacturers are intertwined with each other. Especially after thebankruptcy wave” fis-snin riċenti, LED display screen manufacturers have fought a price war, and the profit margin of enterprises has almost fallen to the bottom. B'dan il-mod, consumers are very worried about the quality of products. How to select LED display screen has become a headache for consumers. The following will introduce several aspects to pay attention to when buying display screen.
1、 LED bulb
For LED display screen, LED lamp beads can be said that the priority of the top of the whole display device can generally account for half of even about 70% of the cost. Għalhekk, the listing scheme of customer orders will also be written in the display device configuration, u l-bqija. There is a universal packaging LED bulb brand, daqs, riżoluzzjoni, ħajja tas-servizz, and related products. Hawnhekk, the first mystery appears. For the LED display on the current market, although the function may be far away. But the prices of different brands are very different. Għalhekk, the understanding of the program depends not only on the configuration. Which brand, we should carefully consider its characteristics.
II. LED display steel structure
For the display structure, its proportion in the total cost is basically the same as that of the driver. Madankollu, he also has rich knowledge of equipment configuration. Pereżempju, in terms of equipment, some equipment are simple chassis, and some seem to be simple but waterproof chassis. For different types, the difference mainly lies in whether there is a back door and the thickness of the box.
Barra minn hekk, there are many differences in the selection of structure, module splicing and whether the lamp board is directly fixed on the box board. If it is modular, it is more convenient to disassemble, so it is more convenient to maintain. If the box plate is directly fixed, it is obviously necessary to improve the maintenance difficulty of the equipment.
3、 After sales service
It-tagħmir tal-wiri LED għas-servizz ta 'wara l-bejgħ huwa spiss l-iktar post faċilment injorat. Forsi bosta utenti jistgħu jaħsbu li għandek xi ħaġa li tixgħel u liema servizzi tara. Kultant nisimgħu l-ingann tan-negozjant li aħna tagħmir tajjeb, għamara u l-bqija, li huwa l-bejgħ bażiku, allura aħna nqisu lilna nfusna bħala bejgħ ta 'dekorazzjoni.
Imma fil-fatt, minħabba ż-żarmar idejqek u l-kontenut tekniku għoli tal-LED, ovvjament huwa iktar importanti minn apparat elettriku ordinarju fil-link ta 'wara l-bejgħ. Illum il-ġurnata, many manufacturers promise after-sales service time, but most manufacturers will return the equipment fault parts to the manufacturer for maintenance. We don’t comment on the scale of these manufacturers, but for users, if we can find bad places and deal with them ourselves, will we send them back?
Għalhekk, when buying LED screen, it is no longer the same as buying TV. Just know the price and pay the bill. We should not only compare the scale, brand and reputation of manufacturers, iżda wkoll tagħti attenzjoni speċjali lis-servizz ta 'wara l-bejgħ. L-użu sussegwenti u l-manutenzjoni tal-prodott jevitaw ħafna problemi bla bżonn.

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