Qasam ta 'applikazzjoni u prospett ta' żvilupp ta 'skrin elettroniku LED

Meta ħareġ l-ewwel ħajt tal-vidjo tal-iskrin elettroniku LED monokromu, no one thought that there was no electronic screen now.
Throughout the development of LED electronic screen industry, from the simple advertising screen to the current diversified development of intelligent transportation, intelligent city, intelligent shoes, intelligent trash can and so on.

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The old industries include advertising media, entertainment culture, gwida sportivi u tat-traffiku.
Ejja nitkellmu dwar il-qasam tal-midja tar-reklamar biss. Skrin elettroniku LED u qasam tar-reklamar huma koppja naturali. Jista 'jingħad li mingħajr l-eżistenza ta' skrin elettroniku LED, l-iżvilupp tal-industrija tar-reklamar mhux se jkun daqshekk mgħaġġel. Skrin elettroniku LED jista 'jgħaqqad perfettament stampi, vidjows, kliem u ħsejjes, u għandu definizzjoni għolja, luminożità għolja, kuluri jleqqu, suġġett distint, disinn ġdid, immaġni ħaj u Dawn il-karatteristiċi, bħas-sempliċità u l-ħeffa, perfectly show the needs of the advertising industry. Barra minn hekk, LED electronic screen advertising has a long time, high frequency and more information, which can produce greater advertising benefits. Advertising media LED electronic screen is mainly used in all busy streets, ċentri tax-xiri, shopping centers, squares and parks, buildings, landmark buildings, stations and airports, eċċ.
Here’s a brief introduction to the old industry. Here’s the emerging black technology
Maybe you feel that advertising machines, videos and movies are out, but smart trash cans, smart earrings, smart tableware and smart shoes. Have you ever heard of or seen it. As the development of the industry becomes popular, designers also begin to open their brain holes, and various black technologies appear frequently. Are you ready to welcome a new world, a world full of all kinds of LED flavor.

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