Izmantojot LED displeju, ir dažas detaļas, kurām jāpievērš uzmanība

LED display is more and more widely used. So do you know what problems should be paid attention to when using LED display? Here are some points:
1. Precautions for LED display switch
(1) Switch on and off sequence: when opening the screen, vispirms palaidiet to un pēc tam atveriet ekrānu; When turning off the screen, turn off the screen first and then turn it off. If you turn off the computer instead of the display screen, it will cause high bright spots on the screen body and burn the line pipe, with serious consequences.
(2) When opening and closing the screen, the interval shall be greater than 5min.
(3) Pēc tam, kad dators ir ievadījis inženierijas vadības programmatūru, ekrānu var ieslēgt un ieslēgt.
(4) Avoid opening the screen in the full yellow state, jo sistēmas impulsa strāva šajā laikā ir vislielākā.
(5) Avoid opening the screen under the following three out of control states, jo sistēmas impulsa strāva šajā laikā ir vislielākā. ① The computer did not enter the engineering control software and other programs. ② The computer is not powered on. ③ The control part is not powered on.
(6) The computer system shell is charged and the screen cannot be turned on.
(7) Ja apkārtējā temperatūra ir pārāk augsta vai siltuma izkliedes stāvoklis ir slikts, pievērsiet uzmanību, lai ekrāns netiktu ieslēgts ilgu laiku.
(8) When a line is very bright in a part of the display screen, pay attention to close the screen in time. Šajā stāvoklī, tas nav piemērots, lai ilgu laiku atvērtu ekrānu.
(9) When the power switch of the display screen trips frequently and is confirmed, the screen body shall be checked or the power switch shall be replaced in time.
(10) Regularly check the firmness of the hanging part of the screen body. Brīvības gadījumā, pievērsiet uzmanību savlaicīgai pielāgošanai, and re reinforce or replace the lifting parts if necessary.
(11) Observe the environment of the display screen and the control part, avoid insect bites on the screen, and place rodenticide if necessary.
2. Precautions for software operation of LED display
(1) The application program, software installation program, database and other software shall be backed up.
(2) Master the installation method, recovery of original data and backup level.
(3) Master the setting of control parameters and the modification of basic data presets.
(4) Proficient in using, operētājsistēmas un rediģēšanas programmas.
(5) Regulāri pārbaudiet vīrusu un izdzēsiet neatbilstošos datus.
(6) LED displeja ekrānu pārvalda pilna laika personāls; Nepilna laika darbinieki nevar izmantot programmatūras sistēmu.

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