LED display rental video wall products are constantly updated.

the demand for rental products on the performance stage closely related to LED rental screen has been greatly reduced, which has led to the downturn of LED rental screen market. However, since the beginning of this year, the rental market has obviously recovered, and the “competition for the best” in the rental market has been staged again. The rental products of various display screen enterprises are constantly bringing forth new ones. Under the guidance of small space, the development of rental screen is full of vitality, and the rental market is unprecedentedly prosperous.

p1.875 led display (2)
After years of rapid development, the LED display rental market has achieved great progress, not only emerged a large number of professional LED stage rental companies and engineering companies, but also provided gorgeous stage effect for every large-scale event and celebration in the prosperous period. Led rental screen with its own brand also came into being.
It is an inevitable trend that led display screen is widely used in daily life
In recent years, LED display rental market is more and more broad, the popularity is also growing. In addition, many large LED manufacturers compete in this market, and the competition among renters is becoming “white hot”. Zhou Jun also has his own feeling here: “in terms of the current overall market, the price of the whole rental market is relatively low, and the procurement cost is decreasing year by year. Unlike the high prices in previous years, the overall market has been changing. The public’s satisfaction with LED displays is also generally recognized. ”
The small space market is booming, and there is a long way to go in the field of stage leasing
With the increasingly fierce competition in the LED display rental industry, the requirements for the LED display spacing in the rental industry are becoming more and more “harsh”, and there is a trend towards ultra small spacing. According to Mr. Zhou Jun’s recollection, “when I first entered the industry, the market was dominated by P5, P6 and p3.91, but now the trend is below P3.0. Although our mainstream product is still p3.91, and there is a certain market in LED stage rental, it is mainly concentrated in some high-end customers, in addition to the customers with small area (relatively small size) Therefore, it is not difficult to see that there is a certain market space for small space LED display screen in the field of stage rental, but it still needs time to precipitate if we want to get considerable development.
Moreover, Mr. Zhou Jun said frankly that the current market is not fully recognized, mainly due to the following three points. First of all, for a long time, the price of LED stage rental market is relatively low, while the price of small space is relatively high. Relatively speaking, the degree of customer recognition is low, and the degree of customer recognition is low. Secondly, the smaller the product spacing, the more likely it is to cause collision. Due to the LED stage rental in the use of the process of frequent disassembly and handling, so in this regard, small spacing want to be widely used is a weak position.
However, it is understood that there has been a leading cob technology in the market, which seems to be able to solve this kind of collision phenomenon. Once this problem can be fundamentally solved, the market of small space in LED rental field is still considerable. Finally, it is also a point that can not be ignored. Once the full-color LED display is bumped, it needs a large number of maintenance personnel to carry out later maintenance, but there is little chance to expect the manufacturer to carry out maintenance. Especially for the leaseholder, setting up a maintenance team is a high budget for the overall cost. It can be seen that as long as the above three problems are solved, small space can still shine in the rental market.

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