Charakteristike vum LED Display benotzt am intelligenten Transportsystem

Ënnert de verbonne Uwendungen vun LED Display Technologie, ëffentlech orientéiert Stroosseverkéier Informatioun Verëffentlechung a Display ass ee vun de wichtegen Uwendungsfelder. Ënnert der ëffentlech orientéierter Verëffentlechungsmethod fir Trafficinformatioun, déi méi üblech Display- a Verëffentlechungsmethoden am Alldag enthalen Stroosseverkéier Leedung Écran, urban Traffic Leedung Écran, Parking Leedung Écran a Strooss variabel Informatiounszeechen. These different traffic guidance information release methods are displayed in real time according to the relevant traffic road management requirements and the actual situation of road traffic information.

Characteristics of intelligent transportation system
Intelligent transportation system is actually a road traffic information and communication system. Its emergence and development is based on other different new technologies such as system integration, electronics, communication and information services. Am Moment, it has penetrated and applied to new transportation systems in the fields of aviation, water transportation, railway transportation, urban traffic guidance, Expressway and subway rail transit. The construction of intelligent transportation system can not only improve the road network capacity and road traffic information service level, but also have broad application prospects in the field of environmental protection, reduce exhaust emissions and improve energy efficiency.
In the process of building intelligent transportation system, the construction and application of intelligent transportation information service system is the main content of the development of intelligent transportation field. Designing and establishing an advanced transportation information service system for the public is the due meaning and development trend of intelligent transportation system. For different types of transportation modes or different transportation fields, the intelligent transportation information services provided by the intelligent transportation system will focus on and be different.
Intelligent traffic information service system has many different traffic application fields, including not only variable information information board, variable speed limit sign, road traffic information service system in Expressway applications, but also traffic guidance system, traffic management information integrated service system, Stroosseverkéier Informatioun extern Verëffentlechung System an urbanen Traffic Uwendungen.
Am prakteschen Uwendungsfeld vum intelligenten Transport, d'Verëffentlechung vun urban oder Strooss Echtzäit Trafficinformatioun ass d'Haaptform vum intelligenten Trafficinformatiounsservice, dat ass, der Echtzäit Verëffentlechung an Affichage vu Trafficinformatioun iwwer verschidde Informatiouns Display Geräter, Déi meescht vun deenen sinn allgemeng a gemeinsam Displayapparater. Dës Displayapparater kënnen en LED Displaybild enthalen, LCD Display Écran, DLP Display Écran, asw. With the continuous development of embedded technology, intelligent transportation information display system has developed into an integrated system with scalable function, multimedia technology and network connection.

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