Intelligentses transpordisüsteemis kasutatava LED -ekraani omadused

Seotud LED -ekraanitehnoloogia rakenduste hulgas, avalikkusele suunatud liiklusinfo avaldamine ja kuvamine on üks olulisi rakendusvaldkondi. Among the public oriented release methods of traffic guidance information, the more common display and release methods in daily life include road traffic guidance screen, urban traffic guidance screen, parking guidance screen and road variable information signs. These different traffic guidance information release methods are displayed in real time according to the relevant traffic road management requirements and the actual situation of road traffic information.

Characteristics of intelligent transportation system
Intelligent transportation system is actually a road traffic information and communication system. Its emergence and development is based on other different new technologies such as system integration, electronics, communication and information services. Hetkel, it has penetrated and applied to new transportation systems in the fields of aviation, water transportation, railway transportation, urban traffic guidance, Expressway and subway rail transit. Intelligentse transpordisüsteemi ehitamine ei saa parandada ainult teedevõrgu läbilaskevõimet ja liiklusinfo teenuse taset, kuid neil on ka ulatuslikud väljavaated keskkonnakaitse valdkonnas, vähendada heitgaase ja parandada energiatõhusust.
Intelligentse transpordisüsteemi loomise protsessis, arukate transporditeenuste süsteemi ehitamine ja rakendamine on intelligentse transpordi valdkonna arendamise peamine sisu. Designing and establishing an advanced transportation information service system for the public is the due meaning and development trend of intelligent transportation system. For different types of transportation modes or different transportation fields, the intelligent transportation information services provided by the intelligent transportation system will focus on and be different.
Intelligent traffic information service system has many different traffic application fields, sealhulgas mitte ainult muutuva teabe teabetahvel, muutuva kiirusepiirangu märk, maanteeliiklusteabe teenuste süsteem Expressway rakendustes, aga ka liiklusjuhtimissüsteem, liikluskorraldusteabe integreeritud teenuste süsteem, maanteeliikluse teabe välise vabastamise süsteem linnaliikluse rakendustes.
Intelligentse transpordi praktilises rakendusvaldkonnas, linna- või maanteede reaalajas liiklusteabe avaldamine on intelligentse liiklusteabeteenuse peamine vorm, see on, the real-time release and display of traffic information through various information display devices, most of which are general and common display devices. These display devices can include LED display screen, LCD display screen, DLP display screen, jne. Sisseehitatud tehnoloogia pideva arendamisega, intelligentne transporditeabe kuvamissüsteem on arenenud integreeritud süsteemiks, millel on skaleeritav funktsioon, multimeediatehnoloogia ja võrguühendus.

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