Zahtjevi za ugradnju LED ekrana i nivo potrošnje.

U ovom članku, we will explain the power consumption indicators and power requirements of LED screens, the installation requirements of LED screens, and the design and installation of outdoor LED screens.

1. What are the power consumption indicators and power requirements for LED screens?
The power consumption of LED screens is divided into average power consumption and maximum power consumption. The average power consumption, also known as working electricity, is the actual electricity consumption in daily life. The maximum power consumption refers to the power consumption during startup or extreme situations such as full lighting. The maximum power consumption is an element that must be considered for AC power supply (wire diameter, switch, itd.). The average power consumption is generally one-third of the maximum power consumption.
The display screen is a large precision electronic device. In order to ensure safe use and reliable operation, the AC220V power input terminal or the AC220V power input terminal of the computer connected to it must be grounded.
Bilješka: The AC220V power input grounding terminal of the computer is connected to the computer casing.
2. What are the installation requirements for LED screens?
Zahtjevi za napajanje: The power supply connection points should be within the size of the screen body
220V power supply, live and neutral grounding wire;
380V power supply, three live and one neutral grounding wire;
The cross-sectional area of the live wire and the neutral wire is the same;
Display screens with a power output of more than 10 kilowatts should be equipped with a step-down starting device.
Communication requirements: The communication distance is defined by the length of the communication line.
The communication cable should be installed according to the standard length of the communication cable used for the installed display screen model.
Communication lines are prohibited from running in the same conduit as power lines.
Installation requirements: The LED display screen should be installed horizontally on both sides and not allowed to tilt backwards
Lifting requires the installation of upper and lower adjustment rods
Before installing the wall mounted system, a front leaning and falling off hook should be installed
Ground installation requires the addition of positioning support bolts.

3. What issues should be considered in the design and installation of outdoor LED display screens?
(1) LED ekrani se postavljaju na otvorenom, često izloženi sunčevoj svetlosti, kiša, vjetar i prašina, i imaju teško radno okruženje. Elektronski uređaji koji su mokri ili jako vlažni mogu uzrokovati kratke spojeve ili čak požar, što dovodi do kvarova ili čak požara, izazivanje gubitaka;
(2) Ekran može biti izložen jakim električnim i magnetskim napadima uzrokovanim grmljavinom;
(3) Temperatura okoline jako varira. Kada ekran radi, mora proizvesti određenu količinu topline. Ako je temperatura okoline previsoka i rasipanje topline je slabo, integrisano kolo možda neće raditi ispravno, ili čak izgoreti, čime sistem displeja ne može ispravno da radi;
(4) Široka publika, potreban veliki domet vida i široko vidno polje; Ambijentalno svjetlo jako varira, posebno kada su izloženi direktnoj sunčevoj svjetlosti.

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