We on the 7th China led display video initiative Award

led wall award
The 7th China led display conference was solemnly held in the Xingguang alliance of Zhongshan ancient town. More than 300 experts and scholars from the national LED industry attended the conference to witness this industry grand ceremony. After the evaluation of the expert evaluation committee of the organizing committee, Shenzhen Jingtai Co., Ltd. won the honorary titles of “top 15 brand innovation” and “excellent led initiative Award” with outstanding product innovation technology and excellent brand leadership.
The China led initiative conference is guided by China Lighting society and held by semi Committee of China Lighting society / Shenzhen lighting and display engineering industry association. At the same time, the award ceremony of “led initiative Award” was held to commend the annual influential enterprises and innovative technology products that contributed to the development of China’s LED industry.
With the core advantages of technological innovation and service quality, it has become a well-known enterprise in China’s LED display packaging industry. In addition to our unremitting development, we have also undertaken more social responsibilities. In addition to actively donating to help Hubei fight the epidemic, at the same time, in the face of the industry development under the epidemic situation, crystal Taiwan adheres to the development strategy of innovative value, and held an online conference as early as early as the beginning of 2020 to launch micro led “screen” products of grade p0.6 in the industry, promoting the LED industry from the professional display market to the trillion level display market.
This award is highly recognized by the industry and market in our LED field. For a long time, we have been deeply engaged in the field of LED, focusing on technological innovation, holding a number of national patents, researching the needs of customers, and driving the development of enterprises with innovation. While providing customers with high-quality products, we constantly explore the technological innovation of industrial products, and make positive contributions to leading the healthy development of the industry with strong brand leadership and appeal.
Honor is both affirmation and encouragement. In the future, crystal will carry on with honor, never forget the original intention, and contribute to the development of LED industry. In product innovation, technology research and development, continuous development, excellence, never stop.

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